Wednesday, November 25, 2009


This show has official ripped me off my seat. It was that fantastic that during the entire two and a half hour, I did not feel even a tingle bit sleepy. In fact, what it did was make me SUPER HIGH now. So, here I am, sleepless due to after effects of this great movies. The graphics were clearly first class with cooler than James Bond like actions. It is like Mother Nature has finally thrown her tantrum on us after all the warning she gave. I am still awed by the beauty of the destruction brought forward eventhough I'm supposed to be terrified, just like that "crazy" Charlie on the mountain. The thoughts of this even occuring in the near future sent chills down my spine.

As I see parents desperately calms their children, trying to rekindle lost relationship and wanting them nothing else but be safe. Why is it when something is about to occur when we finally use our heads and think? Will the world really end this way? Why is it that we cannot comprehend such a possibility and start taking actions starting from now? Must we really see death with ours eyes before we feel regret?

I saw the chaos humanity was in due to their selfishness, thank God not all of them are that way. By using money, you buy life. Money is everything, isn't it? But by doing so, you have placed a value on lives which are meant to be priceless. I laughed at that fat ex-boxer as he lost his life after abandoning his girlfriend, yet touched but how desperate he was to get his children to safety. Does this show that humanity has dual nature which only comes forth at dire situation?

I think I'm gonna watch this movie a couple more times, on a good quality dvd of course. Its just that amazing for me. I don't think I could digest everything that was thrown at me.... I might need second or third replay after all... I guess thats all...

Good night peeps.