Sunday, May 3, 2009

P i c k m e U P

Coz I was picked up~
and never alone again.

'pick me up'




~prOTein man~

~whisKED up~


~nICEly donE~

~egg wHITes~

~stIff pEAks~

~fOLD away~

~cofFEE diP~


~douBLE layER~



Done with pics now the recipe....

500g Mascarpone
5 eggs
5 tbsp fine sugar
Finger biscuits
40 ml coffee emulco
100g chocolate shavings


1) Whisk the egg yolk, sugar and 1 tbsp of coffee emulco till evenly mixed.

2) Add the mascarpone cheese and mix well.

3) Beat egg whites to stiff peaks in another bowl.

4) Fold the whites into cheese mixture.

5) Dilute coffee emulco 40 ml with 1 cup water.

6) Dip fingers into emulco and arrange on container base as desired.
* Do not soak too long, will be soggy*

7) Cover with 1 layer of mascarpone, then second layer of fingers followed by the mascarpone.

8) Sprinke chocolate shaving generously.